Wills Trusts and Probate - How Can We Help You?
Making sound provision for when you die can be a delicate issue but is vital in ensuring that those you eventually leave behind are secure and have absolute clarity regarding your final wishes.
It is never too early to start planning your and your family’s future. Our friendly team of Sarah Arundel, Susan Hudson and Ellis Chapman will spend time getting to know you to fully understand your needs and explain any legal terminology in plain English. We can usually provide a fixed fee quote before we start any work and can offer free home visits if you are unable to come to our office.
When helping you to prepare your Will, we will talk through your options with understanding and give you straight forward, clear guidance.
A Will should be made or updated if you. . .
- Have recently married or remarried – any existing Will would automatically be cancelled
- Have recently had children or are planning to start a family
- Are undergoing matrimonial difficulties or have divorced
- Purchased a property
- Have recently inherited any significant sums, retired or simply had a substantial increase in earnings
- Have acquired business assets or overseas assets
In addition to drawing up your Will, we can also guide you through the legalities of a range of related matters including:

Powers Of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to choose certain people (family, friends and/or professionals) who you want to make decisions on your behalf if you lack mental capacity to make such decisions yourself. The persons appointed are known as Attorneys. It can also be used for periods when you have lost physical capacity and are unable, for example, to go to the bank.
There are two types of LPA:
- Property and financial affairs (allowing an Attorney to make decisions about paying bills, dealing with the bank, collecting benefits, selling your house, etc.)
- Health and welfare (allowing decisions on treatment, care, medication, where you live, etc.)

It goes without saying that the death of a loved one is a traumatic time. In addition to the emotional impact there is often a great deal of red tape and form filling which needs to be dealt with. Many people find that they need guidance and a helping hand through this difficult period.
Our team is here to help you and your family get through this time, taking away the burden but keeping you fully informed all the way through the administration of an Estate.
Elderly Relatives
We can provide practical advice and support for older clients and their families. This includes not only advice on Wills, but on Powers of Attorney and protecting assets which can then be passed on to the next generation. We can also advise on the best way to deal with your future care needs and preserving the family home.
Joined Up Legal Services...
There are a number of occasions when you should consider amending or reviewing your Will, including any changes to your assets such as buying a new property more information regarding residential conveyancing services or changes to your marital situation more information regarding family law services.